IB English Group Blog

Sunday, April 15, 2007




Merchant of Venice

Pound of Flesh

The Jews follows a strict set of rules laid out in the Old Testament. Their lives are governed by specific Jewish laws.


Represents freedom, wealth and happiness; It is the home of Portia.


Represents injustice, debts,


The honest, loving heroes of Venice. They are the upper class, while Jews are bound to live in ghettos and not allowed to own property


Dishonest, uncompassionate, greedy and interested only in upholding the law, rather than what is just in the eyes of the people.


The suitors must choose the correct casket if they want to marry Portia. The casket is a symbol, representing the woman as "the prize".




Marital trust and fidelity

The Moor

Chess piece

Black Ram

Many people see Othello as an outsider, and even an animal. Iago likens him to an animal several times. When he alerts Brabanzio to his Desdemona's relationship with Othello he says, "An old black ram is tupping your white ewe"

Military Rank

The military rank of characters defines their place in society


Several characters demand to see things for themselves before they will believe a story (the term "ocular proof" is used)


Othello uses metaphors that symbolize his state of mind


Blogger Ms. MacDonell said...

I would be careful about referring to examples from the movie. As far as I can remember there are no references to chess in Shakespeare's Othello, although there are many references to the colours black and white. Animal imagery, references to money, and poisons and medicines are also used in the imagery of the play.

2:53 PM  
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